Here you can find some online, free and extremely useful psychological screening tests that I use in my work. I am going to update this page regularly. Each test and assessment allows you to get the Certificate of Completion to monitor your development, share with you therapist, counsellor or other mental health practitioner.


Any of tests, assessments, questionaries, quizzes etc. published here for educational and entertainment use only. For any kind of formal evaluation or diagnosis contact a licensed mental health professional in your country.

The Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) – Free Online

The MAAS is an instrument that measures people’s tendency to be mindful of moment to moment experience. It consists of 15 items. I recommend to have at least 3 minutes of your time and silent, comfortable place. Thus, the instrument focuses on the presence or absence of attention and awareness of what occurs in the present. The Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale has been shown to relate to various aspects of well-being and to how effectively people deal with stressful life events.

White Bear Suppression Inventory (WBSI)

The WBSI is about thought suppression and consists of 15 questions. It was created by Daniel M. Wegner and Sophia Zanakos in 1994. Thought suppression is related to obsessive thinking, rumination and other negative aspects connected to anxiety and depression. The WBSI can be used to identify individuals who are more likely to develop chronic thought suppression. ACT practitioners can also use the metric to evaluate change over time.

Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (CFQ)

The Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire is a quick self-report assessment of cognitive fusion.

The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire – II

The AAQ-2 is a quiz used to assess our level of psychological flexibility. As one of the most well-known instruments in the field of psychology, it has been mentioned in scientific publications more than 2,000 times.